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Absolutely gorgeous and as challenging as addictive ! Resetting the score at each death but also giving unlimited credits is a good way to give the hardcore gamers the challenge they expect without being too punitive on the noobs like me!

Good game but hard.

This was just as hard as I remember Resident Evil 4 actually being. But it was also just as good. Great Work :D

Nice little game, if frustrating at parts... 

I made a review on youtube:

Awesome game, loved all of it. Made me think of Ghosts & Goblins when I first saw it. Nice Art work and Nice music/sound effects. 

My only gripe would have to be that I really would of liked to see the boss use different attacks to leave the player an opening for more attacks. I felt like I was being rushed too quickly and didn't have time to recover, which is ok for some games but, with a platformer with limited controls I felt restricted. I do understand that it is in development.

Overall, this is a very well done Retro Arcade style Resident Evil 4 and I did very much enjoy it.  I did 15 Minutes of No commentary on my channel, have a great day!

Deleted post

Man, I'm giving up. hahah Great game.


Hello, I played your game and loved it so much that I ended up creating a 0 death run for it on normal difficulty. Would love to see more levels of this game it is really awesome!

Love watching these videos! 0 deaths! Nice! A perfect run! 55200 is a brilliant score, lad!

(1 edit)

Hello I had the luxury of playing your game Bio Evil 4 on my stream today for my series of games. I really enjoyed the game and thought I would give you the highlight from my stream. Hoping you make more games in the future.

Thanks a lot! The video was brilliant! Not many people can make it to the end!

I love this so much! I'd love to see more like this from you in the future. It's clear you have a handle on the old style of games, as well as what made Resident Evil 4 fun! 


Loved the video, man! Always enjoy seeing people jump when the floor collapses before the boss. Haha! The music's a bit wonky. There's s'posed to be boss music, and it's really good too!

(1 edit)

Phew, it took thirty minutes and a change of input method but I beat the game! I'm guessing that's not anywhere close to record time but hey, I'm not that experienced with these old styled games! I do love Resident Evil though, and this was quite the fun and engaging demake to try out and finish.

I think as others had said though the game was a tad too difficult in places, and for myself it was often the abundance of things happening in general which kept catching me out. I did however feel the game became far easier to play when using a controller, as I just couldn't get the dropping down to work reliably when using my keyboard.

Overall though this was quite nice and solid for what you set out to achieve, so kudos! I hope to see more great stuff from you in future and you've earned yourself a follow!

Hey. Thanks for the feedback! The drop down was wonky with one of the keyboard control types because I'm an idiot! But I have it fixed n' updated now.

Awesome game! What's the pixel resolution? 240x180?

Thanks! The resolution is  the same as the NES, 256x240.

Any chance you have an email I can reach you at? 

Sure thing. Go for broke!


Very hard indeed
Never got past the third sickle guy XD
(I'm really bad at hectic games with unusual key bindings)
There seems to be a bug with the BGM stopping when you die at certain timepoints though. It would only continue/restart when you die another time.


Aye, that pesky music problem keeps popping up after I think I've fixed it. I'll get it sorted some day!

(2 edits)

I need to try this!

I'll probably use a gamepad but have you implemented key rebindings for those without pads?

edit: ok I just tried it: it's indeed way too hard, the character doesn't have enough different moves for it to be fair, what about a roll or dash with invulnerability frames?

I like the hectic rythm though, that's pretty cool (and stressful ahah).

Good job!

Thanks for the feedback. Naw, no roll or dash. Megaman doesn't need one, so Leon doesn't! It IS possible to beat the game without taking a hit, it's all down to timing.

Ahhh yes good ole classic timing games, play and replay till you figure out patterns and timing sweet can't wait to try.


Hi there, I tried out your game (PC download and web-playable versions) for a spin, even though I died numerous times :)

The character can't seem to jump downwards despite pressing down and jump, such as when I am facing off against the 2nd sickle-throwing guy. Also, you haven't added in an Escape button for when we want to stop playing the PC version, so you might want to look into that :o


Thanks for the feedback! I'll add that escape option right away!

As for the drop down, that's a weird one. What buttons are you pressing? Are you using a pad?

Thank you for that quick reply, and yes, escape button for the win! :D

I was playing your game using a keyboard, and it wasn't possible to drop down a platform while facing off against the 2nd sickle throwing man, as pressing down and jump at the same time did not do anything :(

I'm more comfortable with jumping with Z and shooting with X, but never mind :p


Aye. This was a screw up with one of the control types. I'm pretty sure it's been fixed with the new update.

(1 edit) (+1)

I've fixed this problem with the latest update! The down+jump problem I mean. Being able to escape outta the game will have to wait for the next update!

Alright, I'll try it out over the weekend! :)

Hi Gypopothomas, I had managed to complete the game, despite dying numerous times within the mansion. Also, upon further inspection, the down + jump mechanic only works if you press and hold down Jump (throughout the action), and then press Down D:


Hey. When I said I fixed it, I had fixed it... I just forgot to upload it. Haha! The new update was up a few days ago. I'm 99.999999999% sure the drop down controls are fixed now.  Fingers crossed!


I had never played resident evil 4 so I don't know besides the likeness of Leon and the girl I don't know much else, I liked the game it was fun and it has a good length to it from one level, I think adding chapters to it would make it better and last longer for playtime, it's the last game in this video I did.


Whoa! Thanks for featuring the game in your video! I really didn't think you were gonna make it to the boss after watching you die over n' over at the start! Haha!


Neither did I, I thought I was gonna give up after getting past the windows of enemies but I got there, might aswell have finished it.

They thought about doing more chapters related to the game or a participation of other characters like Ada wong, Luis sera or a boss like Bitores Méndez.


difficulty is great! There seems to be a bug in the UI when you beat the chainsaw guy and the game repeats

Thanks for the feedback. The UI is fixed now!

Very nice! Will it be available to download too, at some point? :) (i've seen a Bio Evil 4 mentioned somewhere in the update page, but nothing to download)

It will! The only reason it isn't so far is 'cause I'm an idiot n' forgot to upload a downloadable version. Haha!


Whenever cool stuff like this is made in construct 2 it encourages me to try harder with it!

That's cool, man! Go for broke!

Made a video


Brilliant stuff! That third guy throwing stuff, he's easy to beat if you drop down through the platform after taking some shots at him, then repeat. S'pose I should actually let people know you can drop through platforms. Haha! It's down+jump (S+L or down arrow+X or pad down+A).


Sweet game but the responding characters make it so much harder then it needs to be. Over all nice/ 


You just need faster fingers! 


Looks and sounds great, but man that difficulty feels pretty unfair at times lol. Couldn't make it past the platform with the 2 dynamites and bear trap without taking damage.


I can beat the whole level without taking a hit. You just have to get the right timing. But I've eased the difficulty up a bit for the next update.


It looks and feels great, but it's way too difficult for me. The ganados keep respawning offscreen, there's no way to disarm the bear traps and even with a glitch on my controller that makes leon's gun fire continuously, I can't shoot the scythes out of the air or avoid them.


Just avoid the bear traps and scythes. You can't shoot them. Go for broke!


Awesome work! The game took me awhile (it was pretty difficult) but I finally beat it. I really enjoyed following your updates on twitter. Seeing your art and what you all were able to accomplish in this amount of time is inspiring. Definitely keeps me motivated to get to where I want to be. Thanks! 

Thanks a lot!

Great work on this! Very enjoyable with a nice difficulty level.


Admin (1 edit) (+1)

Great work. It's really hard but I'm assuming that's to capture the NES style. The pixel art looks great.

Thanks! Yeah, going for NES hard to match the NES graphics!

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